Spring Semester Plans for Annapolis: Health and Safety

Health and Safety Plans for the 2021 Spring Semester

The health and safety of the campus community remains our first priority. As we plan for the return of the community to campus, the college is committed to implementing a set of universal health prevention and risk mitigation strategies focused on preventing the spread of the virus, quickly isolating those who have been exposed, and limiting their contact with the rest of the campus community. Our approach is dependent upon the cooperation of the entire campus community.

The links below provide you with additional details on the college’s plans. It is important that you review this information and are comfortable with the expectations as you consider your plans for the spring semester.

Those not adhering to the required college guidelines and public health practices are reminded that their actions could endanger other community members. While taking disciplinary action against those who do not comply is not our highest priority during these times, they still may be subject to the student conduct process or employee disciplinary action.

Please note that this information will continue to be updated to ensure compliance with local regulations and evolving best practices in responding to COVID-19.