Nomination Form for the Award of Merit, Volunteer Service Award, and Honorary Alumni Award

Do you know someone from the St. John’s community who deserves to be recognized?

Every year, the Alumni Association bestows the Award of Merit, Volunteer Service Awards, and Honorary Alumni Awards. The Awards Committee needs your help to ensure that deserving members of our community are recognized and celebrated!

Please read the following descriptions of each award and use the form below to nominate someone to receive any of these awards.

Award of Merit

Every year, the Alumni Association bestows Award of Merits on our fellow alumni for distinguished and meritorious service to the United States, to their native state, to the college, or for outstanding achievement within a chosen field. The Alumni Association needs your help to ensure that deserving undergraduate alumni, especially those celebrating their quinquennial reunion and Graduate Institute alumni from any graduating year are recognized and celebrated! Awards have been made to graduates, non-graduates, and honorary alumni.

Volunteer Service Awards

Volunteer Service Awards (VSA) are given to alumni for innovative, forward-looking, or extraordinary volunteer service to the Alumni Association or the College. Meritorious volunteer service can include a special accomplishment in the Class Chair Program, completion of board service, a particularly successful fundraising or other new engagement effort, or other volunteer efforts.

Honorary Alumni

Honorary membership may be given to any person for their significant role, service, or contribution in or to the life of the college, especially regarding alumni or students. Tutors and staff who have reached retirement age or who have served the community for twenty or more years shall be considered for honorary membership.