Spring Semester Plans for Santa Fe: Student Life

Student Life for the 2022 Spring Semester

We are excited to be planning for an on-campus experience for more students this semester. We understand that maintaining a social life and experiencing peer-to-peer connection is an essential part of student life, and our goal is to create the best student experience possible, as safely as possible.

In order to facilitate a safe on-campus community, students are expected to abide by all policies set out in the Culture of Care Agreement, in the protocols outlined in this document, and by the state of New Mexico. A thorough reading of the Culture of Care Agreement is expected of all community members, but we would like to draw your attention to a few of its expectations as you make your plans to join us for the fall semester.

For example, all gatherings must abide by state regulations, regard mask-wearing (must always be worn in buildings), maintain maximum gathering limits, and be cognizant of social distancing whenever possible.

Please keep in mind that changing health conditions will impact student life, as access to campus amenities will shift with the conditions. When conditions are good, access to the library, bookstore, coffee shop, dining hall, Student Activities Center, and outdoor program rentals will be permitted. When public health conditions worsen, access will decrease.

Additionally, to restrict unsafe gatherings and limit exposure to activities proven to raise the risk of COVID-19 infection, students are encouraged to refrain from smoking. However, because we understand the complexities of addiction, we will continue to allow smoking in designated campus areas. If a student is required to quarantine or isolate, they will not be permitted to use these areas during that time.

At all times, our decisions will be guided by state guidelines as well as our own internal guidelines, which include a variety of metrics. Most of these metrics can be found on our public dashboard. This dashboard is updated twice per month, and each metric is color-coded to show how open or closed that particular metric indicates we should be. We invite you all to refer regularly to this dashboard so that you are aware of the health situation on our campus, in our county, and across our state. We hope it will inspire you all to do your part to keep the spread low.