Elizabeth Myers
Mitchell Art Museum
Asking persistent and timely questions about the human experience, through art and with extraordinary artists.
Image: Black-and-white reproduction of Théodore Géricault’s The Raft of Medusa, 1819. The Louvre.
Now on View: Theatre of Turmoil
September 14–December 8, 2024
An exhibition that explores themes of chaos and anxiety in Western Art since the Baroque period, realized entirely with art reproductions. Co-curated with Shelly Bancroft. Co-designed with Bohl Architects, Annapolis/Hudson, NY. Audio installation by Annapolis-based composer and musician Zachary Konick
News & Highlights
Hot off the Press
We are pleased to announce publication of Does Beauty Exist?, a pocketbook with an essay of the same title by philosopher Graham Harman, and photographs of a recent installation by Polly Apfelbaum.
Design by Poesis Creative, Annapolis
7 x 5 in.
36 pages
5 color reproductions
$10 at the museum
For Mail Orders: $15 in the U.S. or $20 outside the U.S. Send an email with “Does Beauty Exist?” in the subject line, the number of copies you like to order, along with your name and shipping address to: .
2023 by the Numbers
In the ten months we were open, /m presented 7 exhibitions, exhibited 129 artworks by 66 artists, hosted 72 events (receptions, talks, workshops, performances, screenings, and tours), brought 17 world-class artists, curators, educators, and musicians to Annapolis from Chicago, Los Angeles, New York, Philadelphia, Richmond, and Washington, DC, and wrote a 36-page strategic plan. (We also ate more than we should have and drank 10 gallons of homemade Mexican ponche—not the kind pictured here!)
A New Name, a New Identity
We entered 2023 with a new name: Elizabeth Myers Mitchell Art Museum. By replacing “gallery” with “museum” we celebrate of our longstanding accreditation (since 2012) by the American Alliance of Museums. Our new lettermark, /m, uses the language of subdomains to underscore the museum’s relationship to its host, St. John’s College.
Thank You to our Funders
The Elizabeth Myers Mitchell Art Museum’s (/m) programs are made possible through the generous support of the Maryland State Arts Council, Arts Council of Anne Arundel County, CovingtonAlsina, Bohl Architects. Additional support provided by Richard Groenendyke, Joshua Rogers, Ruth Mitchell, John and Hilda Moore Fund, Joy Chambers and Peter Bungay, Laura Ricciardelli and David Watt, Lillian Vanous Nutt, Anna Greenberg, Norman J. Fisher and Doris Fisher Foundation, Mitchell Art Museum Board of Advisors, and our other loyal members and patrons.